No acoustic guitar, only one drum kit...
I used to have my iPod touch unlocked just to download some apps. Now with the 2.0 patch I locked it up again so I could buy those apps and support their makers. MooCow Music had different music apps: the Pianist, the Drummer and the Guitarist. I thought they were all put together in this particular Band app, but it misses the acoustic guitar and the different drum kits (theres only the Rock Kit and with less buttons this time). Also the piano in this app doesnt have all the octaves the Pianist had, and theres this useless (in my opinion) Crowd set, with claps and cheers.
Although it misses the acoustic guitar, the different drum sets and the piano options (which I believe it is included in the Pianist app sold separated) it has a new Bass (limited to the 5 firts frets) and "solo" guitar effects with some new options such as looping rhythms and better recording and playback options as well. All in all, it is a fun app, with some cool features, but lacks a few here and there. If you are not familiar with MooCow apps, then you wont probably miss any of those stuff I said above and will enjoy this for sure!
Pandekinho about